Monday, December 12, 2011

Internet Safety Project blogging

These are the sources that I viewed on internet safety:

1. One of the most important things that I learned from my research on internet safety is that a lot of information can be attained with the few facts you give a person on the internet. They can gain access to your social security number with just your birth city, your name, and your birth date. That means that we have to be careful to not post any real personal information about our selves on the internet. We should also warn our friends so that they can protect themselves as well.

2. This research will influence me as a parent and teacher because I will be more aware and try to watch what my kids post on the internet. I will be able to talk to them and warn them what is dangerous to post and how to prevent anything bad happening to them. I will also be able to warn my students when they post things on the internet. I will be able to make my class website secure and our class blog/ social networking site secure so that I am not the means that someone uses to gain information about my students.

3. Information on internet safety is literally all around us. The internet has been around long enough for there to be research about how to keep your self safe and how to use the internet to your best advantage and to further knowledge. There is a lot of information on the internet. I could create a class project like this one and have my students do their own research on internet safety. Then I will be helping to keep them safe through out their life not just when I am their teacher.

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